Our new website and brand are here
For months we’ve been working on redefining what Point Jupiter is. What do we stand for, and how are we embracing the future ahead of us. Today, we are proudly presenting our new branding and website.

What a journey!
The year is 2017. It’s mid-December, and I’m sitting in a public notary’s office here in Zagreb. Together with me is David our co-founder and Point Jupiter’s CTO. Sitting right across us are our lawyer and the public notary. There are many documents and papers on the table in front of us.
The crucial document there is the Articles of incorporation. Setting up the ownership structure, voting rights, addresses, and Board members — this document is a first and formal start of a new company.
Back on that December day, Point Jupiter was born.
It was a bold idea that my co-founder and I had. So I wrote about that in detail. But even then, I was daydreaming and wondering what will Point Jupiter look like, say, 5 years from then.
And today, we know it.
Five years later, a new brand
I’m thrilled to share that we’ve completed our rebranding process! And while the visual component of every rebranding is likely the most noticeable, this rebranding cuts much deeper.
We reimagined what it means to be a part of Point Jupiter — our values, our mission, and our vision. More importantly, our processes. We transformed into a remote-first company. You can work from home, from our office, or mix and match it. It’s up to everyone’s liking.

We doubled down our investment in people — the essence of our business. As a result, we now have a dedicated HR person helping us hire the best and brightest and ensuring that all of us already here have our professional and personal development paths. In addition, we redefined our hiring policies and perks. Our #ComeAsYouAre hiring motto is now at the front and center of everything people-related.
We had excellent 2021 financial results, and we decided that this was the best moment to reposition ourselves. Complacency is dangerous. Tempting, but still dangerous.
In addition to remote-first orientation, we started implementing OKRs (Objectives and key results) — first at the company level. Now we are encouraging team leads and every employee to embrace it.
We now have regular, monthly, all-hands meetings where we present all results from the previous month and all new projects and opportunities in the pipeline. We praise everybody who stands out and acknowledges all our team’s successes. Questions are welcome. This helps me, as our CEO, to stay aligned and accountable to those who matter the most — my colleagues.
Our design, development, and project management processes have been modified, which will be a constant effort. Discovery workshops are now an essential part of every project we start.

I could go on and on about this.
Soon, we will share a case study about our rebranding. Also, we will publish much more content on our blog and social media. For years, we were somewhat under the radar. Yet, we worked with some of the world’s greatest clients. Our team is filled with some of the most talented people I’ve ever had as colleagues. Now is the time for us to be more confident about our work.

I want to thank all our clients, most of them have been with us for years. We learned from each other and grew together. Our clients and current and future employees are the centerpieces of our new content and business development strategy.
Rebranding is tough. Changing the logo and building your new website is relatively easy. But making the logo and website that embody your values is a much more challenging task. Creating new processes that support us as a remote-first company is more challenging. Starting with the OKRs is also a challenge. But here’s the thing, we thrive when we are challenged. We want to work with playful people and those who want to cha(lle)nge the status quo.
So I invite you to look around our new website — we are still polishing some details —, explore our current open positions, see some of our work (with more coming soon) and get to know us even better.
I’m curious and excited to see what is around the corner and how the next five years will look for us.